Friday, June 26, 2009

Opinion on news

HI everybody i am here again to post my news.Today i am going to talk about the Indonesians maid who are not going to go to Malaysia from today as most cases of abuse were highly in Malaysia and thus making Jakarta to stop sending the maids from today onwards.

Opinion 1:I think that the Philippines maids should also be banned from Malaysia as if there were no Indonesians more and more people would start to abuse the philippines maids in malaysia.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Opinions on 17/6/09

Hi everybody today i am going to talk about my news that i have been reading this week.It is about a mother who had caged her son for 15 years without even letting him out to eat or bathe as he was mentally ill,could not talk and would sometimes be aggresive.The mother said that he was doing it for his own good.Now im going to state my opinion.

Opinion 1:I think that the mother i illresponsible as he did not give any freedom to her own son not letting him out for 5 years making him stay in there not letting him go out even if he wanted to pass urine

Opinion 2:I also think that the poor boy should be cured of his metal sickness.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

opinion on 13/6/09

Hi everybody I am going to talk about another news today.It is about some people who had created a vaccine for the H1N1 flu outbreak and it will be released to people in the northern hemisphere but they are going to test the vaccine on ferrets before using it on humans.Their target is to produce millions of doses per week and the tests would be started on july 17.

Opinion 1:I think that the people finally responded to the H1N1 flu outbreak and have produced a vaccine for it.I thought they would let innocent people die and would not make any vaccine for the innocent people.

Opinion 2:I also think that the people who created the vaccine were very intelligent as they said that they would make at least a million doses per week which could cure about 4 million people per month.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

opinion on 10/6/09

Hi everyone today i am going to talk about an incident in HongKong where a person had thrown a bottle of acid at a street to another street.24 people were injured by the acid.Luckily the people only suffered minor bruises and not serious injuries.But till now the person who had thrown the bottle of acid was not captured.I am going to say my opinion now.

Opinion 1:I think that the person who thrown the bottle of acid was an inconsiderate person as he had done an act of evil as he injured alot of people.He did not even think about how the people would suffer if a lady had died there her children or husband would be devastated.

Opinion 2:I also think that the person who thrown the bottle of acid should be caught soon as if he is not caught,there would be more victims of people burned by acid and sonner or later a victim would die.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Opinions at 3/6/09

Hi everyone today i am going to talk about a news about a sad story.It was about a baby boy who was 11-month who had drowned himself in a pail of water.While the child was drowning himself the mother was too tired as she had just came home from clubbing and was so tired that she went to sleep.Meanwhile the maternal grandmother was also busy as she was choosing a gift for her grandson.While the father was out looking for a job.When his father came back he could not find his son beside his wife even though before he left he put his son there.Going into the toilet,he found out that his son was in a bucket of water.1 hour after the couple rushed to the hospital,the doctors said that their son was dead.Now after a short summary about this incident I'm going to post my opinions now.

Opinion 1:I think that the mother is not responsible enough as she is still not an adult and do not have the responsibility to take care of a child and based on the information fo her alway clubbing with her friend i deduce that she even if she is a mothe she does not take care of her son.

Opinion 2:I also think that the father is also illresponisble as he put his child at home unattended and went out to look for a job.

opinion at 5/6/09

Hi everybody,today i will share with you my opinions about the Nanyang Technological University student who had tried to kill his professor by using a knife.After escaping from the student,the professor went to the Graduate programme office and the staff there attended to him.After the staff found a stab wound on his back,he was immediately sent to the National University Hospital.After that incident,the student commited suicide.The student was Mr David Hartanto Widjaja,21 and the professor was Mr Chan Kap Luk,45.

Opinion 1:I think that the student wanted to kill the professor as he thought that the professor was picking on him.As a result he tried to kill him using a knife.I also think that he was going through alot of stress as he was a scholar and studies very hard giving him alot of stress.As a result,he wanted to kill the professor.

Opinion 2:I also think that the professor's story was not true as if the student was holding the knife why would the student even have cuts on his body.And how could the professor even break the knife.Knife is made of metal and should be unbreakable as metal is very hard.Therfore I do not believe the professor's story.And also a pathologist had comfirmed that the cuts on the student was knife cuts.