Wednesday, June 10, 2009

opinion on 10/6/09

Hi everyone today i am going to talk about an incident in HongKong where a person had thrown a bottle of acid at a street to another street.24 people were injured by the acid.Luckily the people only suffered minor bruises and not serious injuries.But till now the person who had thrown the bottle of acid was not captured.I am going to say my opinion now.

Opinion 1:I think that the person who thrown the bottle of acid was an inconsiderate person as he had done an act of evil as he injured alot of people.He did not even think about how the people would suffer if a lady had died there her children or husband would be devastated.

Opinion 2:I also think that the person who thrown the bottle of acid should be caught soon as if he is not caught,there would be more victims of people burned by acid and sonner or later a victim would die.

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